Patent Valorisation:

We have our own IP’s for several medical devices and technologies. We have sold and licensed some of our patents to international medical companies. You can contact us if you would like to know more about our patents and licensing possibilities.

An overview of some of the Patents:

  • Dutch Bionic Neurodegenerative Filter Technology (e.g. for Parkinson’s Disease).
  • Neurodegenerative Pain Filter System (e.g. for Neuropathic Pain)
  • Bionic Technology for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).
  • Nano electrodes to register and filter disturbed signal transfer between brains, nerves and muscles.
  • Bionic Adjustable gastric band.
  • Prevention and counteraction of thrombosis risk.
  • Prone-Supine Positioning system.
  • D.H.T. Communication system

Head office:
LSB MedTech Group Ltd
P.O.Box: 122022 (SAIF Zone)
Sharjah, The UAE

Ceresstraat 13
4811 CA Breda