CEO / Partner
From 1993 till present drs. Mehrdad Omidvar has held various commercial, investment and operations leadership positions in the Medical Technology sector, Consultancy, CRO Laboratory, R&D, Pharma industry and Scientific/ Academic world. Until 2018 Omidvar was CEO at the world largest MGP CRO laboratory with her own Medical Technology division (Medical devices for monitoring of Vascular Elasticity and Anticoagulants) & Pharma division (vita. K Antagonists and Vascular Calcification). He was also Director Business Development of Maastricht University. Omidvar is inventor of 8 innovative medical systems and technologies (patented). He is founder of the study program “Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the MedTech and Healthcare sector” for the ECE of Erasmus University.

CSO / Partner
Dr. Ajay Seth is an American scientist, surgeon and inventor of several innovative surgery techniques. In 2015 Dr. Seth became the first surgeon in the United States to perform a surgery allowing an amputee to move and feel her prosthetic (Bio-electronic) hand with her brain. After the success of this innovative “Bionic miracle” surgery, Dr. Seth established a relationship with Walter Reed Hospital in Maryland along with Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Seth earned his undergraduate medical degree from a combined program at the Medical college of Wisconsin. He completed his orthopedic residency program at the Ohio State University. He then went on to do a fellowship in hand and upper extremity surgery from Allegany General Hospital. Dr. Seth is also University Senior Lecturer and also CEO at Sparta USA.

CCO for Taiwan and China market / Partner
Ling Leonard has more than 25 years (national and international) working experience in MedTech. Until 2018 she was Commercial Director at the CRO Laboratory & Medical Device company Vitak of Maastricht University (worldwide the biggest MGP laboratory and R&D Institute for intelligent Medical Technology). After obtaining her MBA degree at the Oklahoma City University, she studied Public Accounting in the USA.

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